Medical Schools

For specific requirements, see K.S.A. 2015 Supp. 65-2873, K.S.A. 65-2874, and 65-2875.

For questions, send an email to

Board Approved Medical Schools

  1. All schools accredited by the Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME)
  2. Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara - Mexico
  3. Aga Khan - Pakistan
  4. American University of the Caribbean - St. Maarten (prior to 1995 this school was located in Montserrat)
  5. SABA University - Netherlands (For graduates who matriculated at the school from and after January 1, 2002)

Unapproved Medical Schools (neither approved nor disapproved by the Board)

  1. SABA University - Netherlands (For graduates who matriculated at the school before 2002)

Disapproved Medical Schools

If a medical school has been disapproved by the Board, that school’s graduates are not eligible for licensure in Kansas.

  1. UTESA (Universidad Tecnologica De Santiago), Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic (Board Decision 8-14-99)
  2. UNIREMHOS - (University of Eugenio Marie De Hostos), Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic - closed 1998 - (Board Decision 8-14-99)
  3. St. Matthew's University, British West Indies (Board Decision 10-10-06)
  4. Universidad C.E.T.E.C., Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - closed 1984 - (Board Decision 10-21-11)
  5. Universidad C.I.F.A.S. Escuela de Medicina, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - closed 1984 - (Board Decision 10-21-11)
  6. Universidad Mundial Dominicana Escuela de Medicina (World University), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - closed 1991 - (Board Decision 10-21-11)
  7. Spartan Health Sciences University School of Medicine, Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia (Board Decision 10-21-11)
  8. University of Health Sciences Antigua School of Medicine, St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda (Board Decision 10-21-11)
  9. Unversidad Federico henriquez y Carvajal (UFHEC), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - closed 1998 - (Board Decision 10-21-11)
  10. Kigezi International School of Medicine, Cambridge, England and Kabale, Uganda (Board Decision 10-21-11)

Note: Pursuant to K.A.R. 100-6-3(d)(3), If any school previously approved is subsequently disapproved by the board, the disapproval shall not disqualify any physician temporarily or permanently licensed in Kansas with respect to the license then held. For purposes of this regulation, any person holding a current and valid temporary permit issued by the board without disclaimer, conditions, or restriction on it, and who applies for and satisfies all requirements for full licensure shall not be disqualified if the program that served as the basis for that person's licensure is subsequently disapproved.