
The Litigation Department is comprised of attorneys, legal assistants, and support staff that work with the Board’s current Disciplinary Panel to review and analyze Board investigations. The Litigation Department is responsible for presenting Board investigations to the current Panel, negotiating resolutions at the Panels’ direction, and initiating and maintaining administrative actions when necessary.

Disciplinary Panels are authorized committees of the Board tasked with reviewing Board investigations and determining the appropriate outcome for each case under the applicable practice act. Disciplinary Panels are comprised of at least four current Board members:  one medical doctor, one doctor of osteopathy, one doctor of chiropractic, and public member. Members of the Panels serve one-year terms.

Depending on the specific circumstances of a case, a Panel may determine a non-public, non-disciplinary resolution is appropriate or it may seek public discipline up to and including revocation of a license. Members of the Litigation Department work with the Panel members to ensure each investigation is resolved to the Panel’s satisfaction and in accord with Kansas law.

Occasionally, Board investigations will resolve with ongoing obligations for a licensee such as monitoring by a professional health program, payment of fines, or various other requirements such as remedial education.  The Litigation Department is responsible for monitoring and enforcing all such obligations and works with the Disciplinary Panel to resolve issues as they arise.

Department Staff

Orosco, Sebastian

  • Divisions:Litigation
  • Title:Associate Litigation Counsel
  • Phone:(785) 296-4421
  • Email:
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